Miyerkules, Nobyembre 21, 2012

Good Home Remedy

Hi guys! It's been a while since I'm not updating my blog. I've been working all night (since I work graveyard shift) after I had my mini vacation, I had a blast exploring the City of Palawan feels like I cant get enough of it, I was so mesmerized of its natures beauty and I cant wait to tell, words are not enough to describe how I like the place, however, I'm running a slight fever and my throat itches and hurt, I got a very bad cough I guess this is what I got of having too much fun at Palawan. I spend most of my time lying on my bed and was having hard time sleeping, I'm sometimes taking antihistamine pill because it makes me sleep. I can't even go outside due to non stop rain. Well, I like it though coz it is conducive to sleeping however, it didn't work for me, I wish this ailment will stop, I'm not taking any drug medication as I feel like my liver can't take no more pills I'm afraid of having side effects of taking too much drug medication, so I go for herbal medicine that my mom used to tell me, its a traditional way of treating cough.

It's called "Oregano Juice". Oregano is a perennial herb, growing from 20–80 cm tall and spade-shaped, olive-green leaves, according to study it used for respiratory tract disorders such as coughs, asthma, croup, bronchitis and other illnesses. I prepare it accordingly to my moms version the juice is made from Oregano leaves boiled for several minutes and then after let it cool, you can add some calamansi juice and  a teaspoon of honey to give pleasant taste, I didn't add mine as I don't have available honey, the taste is awful but its tolerable for me  and I'm trying to take it religiously to see if it really works but so far it works good on me I've heard a lot of good stuff about this plant so I give it a shot, no side effect as this is 100% drug free. I goggled it and it says a lot of good effects on our body. 

How about you guys whats your other way of treating bad cough?

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